In conducting praying, moslems are required to facing Qibla in Masjidil Haram at City of Mecca. Measurement Qibla direction then becomes a problem when the location of a place far away from the Ka'ba because it can not be observed directly eyesight. The problems at the moment still occurs in Indonesian people especially in City of Semarang, so that in determining the direction of Qibla still found a practical way to set the direction of Qibla at west direction. Related to these problems, the need for calculation of the direction of Qibla is not just at west direction. But by a careful calculation, the calculation is also performed on the reference plane used as a reference for each field of reference (ellipsoid, sphere and flat) results in a different direction, in addition to the measurement of Qibla can also be done by observing the shadows when the Rasdhul Qibla event occurs where the sun is right above the Ka'ba. This measurement method aims to determine the pattern of the direction of Qibla in Semarang and how substantial accuracy in each field of reference at Rashdul Qibla events to the direction of Qibla. On the results of the analysis, obtained pattern Qibla direction in Semarang changed every 154.166 meters by 5 seconds enlarged towards the southwest with large changes at 5‘26”, from the value of the smallest direction of Qibla of 294° 20' 38"located in the Genuk district and the value Qibla of 294° 20' 4 " in the Mijen district.Whereas the calculation results at the reducted latitude spherical field of 294° 26' 26.69", the turning reduced ellipsoid fields of 294° 25' 4.16” and the flat fields of 292 ° 12 '8.61". The results of the horizontal plane has different Qibla direction away with two other references fields by 2° 11'7.38" on the sphere field and 2°14'18.08" against ellipsoid field. For Qibla direction result of Rashdul Qibla event observed at 294° 33' 39.22", from these results seen the method closest accuracy to the result of Rashdul Qibla is the reducted latitude spherical field with the difference value results at 0°7'12.31"