
Elastic Wave Eigenmode Solver for Acoustic Waveguides


A numerical solver for the elastic wave eigenmodes in acoustic waveguides of inhomogeneous cross-section is presented. Operating under the assumptions of linear, isotropic materials, it utilizes a finite-difference method on a staggered grid to solve for the acoustic eigenmodes of the vector-field elastic wave equation. Free, fixed, symmetry, and anti-symmetry boundary conditions are implemented, enabling efficient simulation of acoustic structures with geometrical symmetries and terminations. Perfectly matched layers are also implemented, allowing for the simulation of radiative (leaky) modes. The method is analogous to eigenmode solvers ubiquitously employed in electromagnetics to find waveguide modes, and enables design of acoustic waveguides as well as seamless integration with electromagnetic solvers for optomechanical device design. The accuracy of the solver is demonstrated by calculating eigenfrequencies and mode shapes for common acoustic modes in several simple geometries and comparing the results to analytical solutions where available or to numerical solvers based on more computationally expensive methods

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