
Quantum phase transitions in effective spin-ladder models for graphene zigzag nanoribbons


We examine the magnetic correlations in quantum spin models that were derived recently as effective low-energy theories for electronic correlation effects on the edge states of graphene nanoribbons. For this purpose, we employ quantum Monte Carlo simulations to access the large-distance properties, accounting for quantum fluctuations beyond mean-field-theory approaches to edge magnetism. For certain chiral nanoribbons, antiferromagnetic inter-edge couplings were previously found to induce a gapped quantum disordered ground state of the effective spin model. We find that the extended nature of the intra-edge couplings in the effective spin model for zigzag nanoribbons leads to a quantum phase transition at a large, finite value of the inter-edge coupling. This quantum critical point separates the quantum disordered region from a gapless phase of stable edge magnetism at weak intra-edge coupling, which includes the ground states of spin-ladder models for wide zigzag nanoribbons. To study the quantum critical behavior, the effective spin model can be related to a model of two antiferromagnetically coupled Haldane-Shastry spin-half chains with long-ranged ferromagnetic intra-chain couplings. The results for the critical exponents are compared also to several recent renormalization group calculations for related long-ranged interacting quantum systems.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure

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