Rotor-fuselage interaction is central to the design and performance analysis of helicopters. However,
regardless of its significance this problem is not well-studied and few CFD works have so far been
published. In this paper, a method is put forward to allow CFD computations of rotor-fuselage
problems using a sliding mesh to interface the rotor and fuselage regions. A sliding plane forms a
boundary between a CFD mesh around the fuselage and a rotor-fixed CFD mesh which has to be
rotated to account for the motion of the rotor blades. CFD meshes adjacent to a sliding plane do not
necessarily have matching nodes or even the same number of cell-faces. This poses a problem of
interpolation between CFD meshes and, in addition, the employed algorithms should have small CPU
overhead. The properties of this method are assessed and validation results are presented for several
flow case