The metal-insulator transition (MIT) remains among the most thoroughly
studied phenomena in solid state physics, but the complexity of the phenomena,
which usually involves cooperation of many degrees of freedom including
orbitals, fluctuating local moments, magnetism, and the crystal structure, have
resisted predictive ab-initio treatment. Here we develop ab-initio theoretical
method for correlated electron materials, based on Dynamical Mean Field Theory,
which can predict the change of the crystal structure across the MIT at finite
temperature. This allows us to study the coupling between electronic, magnetic
and orbital degrees of freedom with the crystal structure across the MIT in
rare-earth nickelates. We predict the free energy profile of the competing
states, and the theoretical magnetic ground state configuration, which is in
agreement with neutron scattering data, but is different from the magnetic
models proposed before. The resonant elastic X-ray response at the K-edge,
which was argued to be a direct probe of the charge order, is theoretically
modelled within the Dynamical Mean Field Theory, including the core-hole
interaction. We show that the line-shape of the measured resonant elastic X-ray
response can be explained with the "site-selective" Mott scenario without real
charge order on Ni sites.Comment: Acknowledgments updated, citations adde