
The Power of Mediation’s Dialogue: Resolution of Conflicts in the Environment of Special Needs People and/or People under Functional Dependence


The needs risen by special needs people and/or people under situation of functional dependence after the strong cuts of budget produced by the current financial situation, claim for the inquiry to be executed by conflict management professionals, who resolve about the welfare of the affected population and their families. The welfare of the families who take charge of their relatives under a situation of dependence, can be assessed as the energy that may respond to the needs which people under a situation of dependence bring up in their closest environment. This starting point let us explain the chances that mediation offers, unlike other alternatives available for conflict resolution. Mediation is laid out through its basic structure formed by its principles and typical characteristics which help the parties in conflict to reach a long-lasting and accepted by everybody agreement. An achievement which is accomplished through the process of mediation, which itself has got specificpeculiarities that shall be considered by mediation professionals. This way we end up with the explanation of some of the experiences which currently are being executed in a national as well as in an international level

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