
On Higher Derivatives of Expectations


It is understood that derivatives of an expectation E[ϕ(S(T))S(0)=x]E [\phi(S(T)) | S(0) = x] with respect to xx can be expressed as E[ϕ(S(T))πS(0)=x]E [\phi(S(T)) \pi | S(0) = x], where S(T)S(T) is a stochastic variable at time TT and π\pi is a stochastic weighting function (weight) independent of the form of ϕ\phi. Derivatives of expectations of this form are encountered in various fields of knowledge. We establish two results for weights of higher order derivatives under the dynamics given by (\ref{dynamics}). Specifically, we derive and solve a recursive relationship for generating weights. This results in a tractable formula for weights of any order.price sensitivities, greeks, malliavin calculus

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