
Definition of a methodology to analyze and measure interactions inside Regional Innovation Systems.


The aim of the present thesis proposal is to define a methodology to measure the interactions among the agents involved in a System of Innovation, due to the fact that the literature agrees in a lack of measures in this respect. The conceptualization of Regional Innovation Systems (Cooke and Morgan, 1993) can be understood like an extension and adaptation arisen from the concept of National Innovation Systems defined in the works of Freeman (1987), Nelson (ed., 1993) and Lundvall (ed., 1992) and in the subsequent development of Edquist (ed., 1997). It consist of analyzing the existence of actors (institutions, clusters, universities, industries…) and regional competences, and the interactions into Innovation Networks among them, providing regional authorities with a tool to define policies to increase competitiveness. A first stream work in which relations and flows among the main agents of an Innovation System are shown, is the one made up by the works of Scherer, (1982), Pavitt (1984), Archibugi (1988), Galli and Teubal (1997), DeBresson (ed., 1996). Another is due to Andersen (1992, 1996) on Innovation Systems, using “graph theory” and simulation models (Andersen and Lundvall, 1997). Recently, some different research projects can be found in which relations established among the agents in Innovation Systems are studied (European Planning Studies, Vol. 8, Not. 4, 2000). Besides, diverse simulation models created to measure the characteristics of Innovation Systems in different environments (Simulating Self-Organizing innovation networks” -SEIN-) are also detailed. There is a growing need to elaborate indicators that allow to predict changes in the regional innovation capacity beyond those employed in the linear model. We have also noticed the need to measure other processes such as those related to institutional relations and the creation of networks, in order to evaluate innovation policies (Zenker, 2001; Landabaso, Oughton, Morgan, 2001; Saviotti, 1997; Archibugi, Howells and Michie, eds., 1999). This is supported by the fact that several policies fostering innovation have been defined, such as RIS, RTP, RITTS, etc… In this context, and due to the importance of co-operation practices within Regional Innovation Systems, the present research project tries to contribute with a model as well as an Indicator Scoreboard which helps quantify the interrelations that occur among the agents in an Innovation System.Regional Innovation Systems, Innovation Networks, Measures, Interactions.

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