Who's sonifying data and how are they doing it? A comparison of ICAD and other venues since 2009


Presented at the 18th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2012) on June 18-21, 2012 in Atlanta, Georgia.Reprinted by permission of the International Community for Auditory Display, http://www.icad.org.What disciplines are applying data sonification, and what synthesis tools are they using to make the sounds? These questions are basic to understanding the state of sonification today, but they are surprisingly difficult to answer. This short review attempts to fill this gap by distilling common patterns of data sonification research. We hope that this will complement other literature reviews and give potential and current sonification researchers a sense of what is happening in the ICAD community, show where there is room for new ventures, and where there is already a lot of active research to connect with. Additionally, we put ICAD in context of other academic publications

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