Modeling of the land cover impact on the rainfall-runoff relations in the Olse catchment


The impacts of land use and land cover on the transformation of the rainfall-runoff episodes were studied and analyzed with the utilization of HYDROG and HEC-HMS rainfall-runoff models in the Olse basin. Two episodes were selected – common regional rainfall with low antecedent watershed saturation and convective flash rainfall with higher watershed saturation. Watershed response was studied and modeled on separate levels of the forestation – actual forestation state, 50 % of forest land cover and 100 % of forest land cover. Results which were achieved with the utilization of the various methods of the hydrologic transformation in the watershed scale (Horton, SCS-CN) confirm the influence of forest land cover on the rainfall-runoff relations Further research with the support of another methods and the continuous models such as GSSHA and MIKE SHE will allow the comparison of achieved results and possible generalization of them

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