The Predictive Validity of Mathematics Curriculum-Based Measurement on Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Mathematics Scores


The purpose of this study was to examine the predicative validity of computation curriculumbased measurement (CBM) on mathematics Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium scores (SBAC). This study looked at one cohort consisting of 2,741 participants in third, fourth, and fifth grade during the 2017-2018 school year in one school district in Oregon. This study used a hierarchical multiple regression to examine the relationship between CBM and mathematics SBAC. Additionally, this study looked at the extent to which gender, ethnicity, special education status (SPED) and English language learner (ELL) status interacted with CBM scores to predict end-of-year mathematics SBAC scores. The findings of this study indicate that CBM scores predict math SBAC scores in third, fourth, and fifth grade to a modest extent. The findings also indicate that taken together, CBM scores, gender, ethnicity, special education status, and English language learner status predict math SBAC scores to a moderate extent

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