Confiscation of property benefits gained by committing of criminal offence as the legislative, theoretical and practical problem


Znaten delež kaznivih dejanj je izvršenih prav zaradi pridobivanja protipravne premoženjske koristi. Zato zahteva racionalna kriminalitetna politika v trajnostnem zoperstavljanju takšnim kaznivim dejanjem učinkovit, predvsem pa domišljen in ustrezno zasnovan sistem odvzema premoženjske koristi. Ob tem na račun učinkovitega odvzema koristi ne sme priti do posega v temeljne ustavne pravice. Problematika kazenskopravnega odvzema premoženjske koristi se tako osredotoča na tri ključne vidike, in sicer na interes države, da storilci ne obdržijo premoženjske koristi, ki jo pridobijo z izvrševanjem kaznivih dejanj, po drugi strani mora biti zadoščeno načelom zakonitosti, nujnosti in sorazmernosti, da se prekomerno ne posega v pravice obdolžencev, vse večji pomen pa pridobiva tudi ustrezno varstvo premoženjskih interesov oškodovancev.There is a significant proportion of criminal offences committed precisely for the purpose of obtaining illegal benefits. Therefore, a rational criminal policy in the permanent counteraction to such crimes requires an efficient and, above all, an ingenious and well-composed system of deprivation of such benefits. At the same time, fundamental constitutional rights must not be interfered with at the expense of effective confiscation of the proceeds of crime. The issue of confiscation of the proceeds of crime focuses on the three main aspects, namely, the interest of the state that the perpetrators do not retain the proceeds of crime, on the other hand, the principles of legality, necessity and proportionality must be met in order to avoid excessive interference with the rights of the defendants, however, greater importance is also given to the protection of the property interests of victims

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