The carbon-silicon bond-how the humans came to love their electronic devices


28 Haziran 2010 tarihinde İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi tarafından İstanbul Grand Hyatt Oteli'nde gerçekleştirilen seminerdir.The last half-century has seen the emergence of a new,nonsentient silicon-based lifeform that now shares the planet with the carbon-based lifeform that has dominated the planet for the past several thousand years. Starting from small seeds planted by Shannon and Bardeen in1948, this new lifeform has taken its measure of control of the planet in an astonishingly short time. This emergence has been well-noticed, but not fully appreciated. Our goal is to herald the accomplishments of mathematics, engineering, and computer science that have led to this nearly instantaneous re-invention of the planet, to describe a few of the main results of informatics, and to pay tribute to the great men and women who led this (r)evolution

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