
There\u27s A Million Heroes in Each Corner of the U.S.A


[Verse 1] Virginia gave us Washington, way back in Sev’nty six Kentucky gave us Lincoln when our boys were in a fix Ohio gave us Grant and Dixie gave us Lee They fought it out and patched it up and made our history If you asked Uncle Sammy who could take their place today He’d rub his chin and with a grin he’d answer in this way. [Chorus] There’s a million heroes in each corner of the U.S.A. In cities and farms They’ve taken up arms The East and West have sent their best the rest are coming from the land of cotton You can bank on ev’ry loyal Yank to fight till the end of the fray When danger threatens they all rally ‘round That’s why the flag has never touched the ground There’s a million heroes in each corner of the U.S.A. [Verse 2] Columbus found America the home of peace and rest And Betsy Ross she found a flag to stand each battle test Tho’ heroes of the past have laid away the gun Their spirits live within the hearts of ev’ry native son Our flag is just as clean today as when it first was made each stripe and star a battle scar and still I’m not afraid. [Chorus

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