What is Good for the Market, Can be Bad for the Health: Emissions Trading Under SCAQMD\u27s Rule 1610 and the Unjust Environmental Effects


This Comment examines the development of both the environmental justice movement and the traditional environmental movement. It also describes the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and its application of a market-based incentive program known as emissions trading. This section explains SCAQMD\u27s Old-Vehicle Scrapping Rule 1610 (Rule 1610) and Rule 1610\u27s failure to address environmental justice issues. Section III examines the disparate effects of the program on minority communities. Section IV critiques the way in which oil companies were permitted to use Rule 1610 and how their use resulted in such disparate effects. Finally, Section V proposes that emissions trades be more closely monitored and that environmental justice be the primary factor in the environmental regulation decisionmaking processes

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