Stress and strain state in the segmental linings during mechanized tunnelling


The application of the mechanized tunnelling has been extended in recent years. There are at present different approaches that are used in the design of segmental tunnel linings supported in mechanized tunnels. Even though segmental lining is utilized for mechanized tunnels, its behaviour is still quite unclear under in situ stress and there is a lack of data regarding the distribution of stresses inside segmental linings. So far no single effective calculation method exists for segmental lining design. The lack of clear solutions makes the use of segmental lining to be more expensive due to the adoption of greater safety factors. Therefore, a particular attention must be given in order to obtain data from monitored tunnels which permits to validate design methods. In this study, strain measurements, which were conducted during the construction of twin tunnels in the Bologna-Florence railway line, have been presented. The behaviour of segmental lining during the excavation and the influence of a new tunnel excavation on an existing tunnel have been shown through the measured data. The data are then compared with the results obtained with Einstein and Schwartz's method and Duddeck and Erdmann's method, which permits to highlight the fact that the two analytical methods underestimate structural forces induced in the segmental lining and then must be used with caution

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