Effects of Cupral® on the formation and persistence of microbial biofilms in vitro


Introduction: endodontic biofilm is a microbial community, enclosed in a polymeric matrix of polysaccharide origin where are frequently found pathogenic microorganisms, such as Gram+, Gram- and opportunistic fungi, belonging to Candida spp, responsible for several endodontic pathologies. As clinical importance is the fact that biofilm is extremely resistant to common intra-canal irrigants, antimicrobial drugs and host immune defenses. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the efficacy of Cupral® on planktonic forms of some pathogens, as well as to assess its ability to prevent and affect the formation/persistence of microbial biofilms. Materials and Methods: ATCC strains of S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and C. albicans were exposed to various concentrations of Cupral® (an antiseptic compound based on calcium and copper hydroxide, used in endodoncy) to investigate its antimicrobial efficacy. This activity has been evaluated in terms of microbial growth and cellular doubling time (optical density, colony forming units and doubling time assays), inhibition/persistence (crystal violet staining), viability of microbial cells embedded in the biofilms (live/dead stain) and pyoverdine production (fluorimetric assay). Finally, the morphology of Cupral®-treated biofilms was investigated by optical/confocal microscopy analysis. Results: the addition of Cupral® to microbial cultures, influences, in a significantly and dose-dependent manner, the doubling time and growth of microbial cultures. Cupral® antimicrobial activity was also assessed on biofilms formation and persistence with meaningful decreases of residual biomass (observed reductions of 47-94% for S. aureus, 28-95% for P. aeruginosa and 27-75 % for C. albicans). Cupral®-treated biofilms analyzed by optical and confocal microscopy revealed loss of typical sessile structure, with few scattered microbial cells and a reduced thickness. Finally, the addition of Cupral® reduced both the number of embedded alive cells in the biofilms and the levels of pyoverdine in the culture supernatants. Discussion and Conclusions: this pilot in vitro study provided the first evidences on Cupral® efficacy against microbial biofilms. The wide range of action (vs Gram+, Gram- and fungi) of Cupral® strongly suggests its use as compound in the prevention and treatment of main oral biofilm-associated infections

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