
Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pernikahan Dini di Kelurahan Pangli Kecamatan Sesean Kabupaten Toraja Utara


The young age of marriage is the marriage performed by a woman aged 16 years while for men was 19 years (according to the Act No. 1 Year 1974). According to the guidelines of BKKBN, the ideal marriage is a marriage performed by a man - men with at least 25 years of age and women at least 20 years of age. Approximately 25% of the population married early age. In pangli, North of Toraja regency in 2007 there were 28.21% who did early marriage. The research objective was to analyze factors related to early marriage in pangli, North of Toraja. This research was conducted in pangli, Sesean, North of Toraja Regency. This research was a descriptive cross sectional design styudy. From a population of 263 with simple random sampling method obtained 68 samples. Analysis was performed by an analysis of univariate and bivariate (biva-riate descriptive using cross tabulation and bivariate analytic by using chi square test and T-independent), the research instruments used were questionnaires. The results from all respondents who did early marriage (82.4%), low knowledge scores (41.2%) lower education (83.8%), low income (89.7%), family members numbered more than five people (73.5%), pregnant teenagers (73.5%). Hail statistical test showed no relationship between knowledge (p-value = 0.041), education (p-value = 0.000), income (p-value = 0.024), number of family members (p-value = 0.042), adolescent pregnancy (p- value = 0.006) against early marriage. Couples advised to fertile age in order to im-plement family planning programs, especially in limiting the number of births (stoping).Key Words: Early Marriag

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    Last time updated on 30/01/2017