In this paper, we continue our study on the curvaton model with nonminimal
derivative coupling (NDC) to Einstein gravity proposed in our previous work,
focusing on the reheating mechanism. We found that according to whether the
curvaton has dominated the background after the end of inflation, it will have
two different behaviors of evolution, which should be the general property of
curvaton with nonminimal couplings. This will cause diffferent rates of
particle creation, which goes on via the parametric resonance process. The
reheating temperature is estimated for both cases in which reheating completes
before and after curvaton domination, and the constraints are quite loose
compared to that of overproduction of gravitino. Finally we investigated the
evolution of curvature perturbation during reheating. We have shown both
analytically and numerically that the curvature perturbation will not blow up
during the resonance process.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. corrections are made to match the published