The detection of community structure in stock market is of theoretical and
practical significance for the study of financial dynamics and portfolio risk
estimation. We here study the community structures in Chinese stock markets
from the aspects of both price returns and turnover rates, by using a
combination of the PMFG and infomap methods based on a distance matrix. We find
that a few of the largest communities are composed of certain specific industry
or conceptional sectors and the correlation inside a sector is generally larger
than the correlation between different sectors. In comparison with returns, the
community structure for turnover rates is more complex and the sector effect is
relatively weaker. The financial dynamics is further studied by analyzing the
community structures over five sub-periods. Sectors like banks, real estate,
health care and New Shanghai take turns to compose a few of the largest
communities for both returns and turnover rates in different sub-periods.
Several specific sectors appear in the communities with different rank orders
for the two time series even in the same sub-period. A comparison between the
evolution of prices and turnover rates of stocks from these sectors is
conducted to better understand their differences. We find that stock prices
only had large changes around some important events while turnover rates surged
after each of these events relevant to specific sectors, which may offer a
possible explanation for the complexity of stock communities for turnover