
Archaeological and Historical Investigations at the Site of the New Bexar County Justice Center in Downtown San Antonio, Texas


Between 1978 and 1987, archaeologists from the Center for Archaeological Research of The University of Texas at San Antonio conducted test excavations and monitored demolition of buildings on NCB 100 within the Main and Military Plazas National Historic District in downtown San Antonio. The block is the site chosen for construction of a Bexar County Justice Center. The sites of three small residences on the south end of the block were tested. Of these, two were thought to be eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places and for nomination as State Archeological Landmarks. At the north end of the block, the foundations of a small stone house built by the Salinas family were located, and testing was done in the back yard. A well believed built by the Salinas family was examined and recorded. A section of the San Pedro acequia, was exposed and recorded, and it is recommended that part of this waterway be restored during the landscaping for the new building. In 1988, monitoring was done for excavation of a trench between the Bexar County Courthouse and the new Justice Center, which will provide a substreet walkway (tunnel) under Main Street. No significant cultural resources were encountered

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