A Survey on the Impact of Operation Volume on Rectal Cancer Management


The rectal cancer management can be influenced by the surgeon's practice and the hospital. This study was to evaluate the differences according to the surgeon's operative volume and the level of the hospital. Questionnaires were sent out to the members of the 'Korean Society of Coloproctology', and the responses were evaluated according to the surgeon's operation volume, the surgeon's age, and the level of the hospital. Sixty responses were received during the three months' period (from August to October 2004). Thirty three respondents (55%) operated more than 50 cases of rectal cancer per year (high-volume surgeons), and 37 respondents (61%) worked at university hospitals or tertiary care facilities (high-level hospitals). The preoperative evaluation with endorectal ultrasonography (ERUS) was significantly different according to the surgeon's operation volume and the level of the hospital, whereas magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography (PET) was significantly different only for the surgeon's operation volume. The preoperative radiation therapy was significantly different according to the surgeon's operation volume, the surgeon's age, and the level of the hospital. However, there was no significant difference found on the operative procedures or postoperative surveillance. The preoperative loco-regional evaluation and the preoperative radiation therapy could be considered as the factors that influence the volume-outcome relationship in rectal cancer treatment

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