Sustained spheromak coaxial gun operation in the presence of an n=1 magnetic distortion


The Sustained Spheromak Physics Experiment (SSPX) uses a magnetized coaxial gun to form and sustain spheromaks by helicity injection. Internal probes give the magnetic profile within the gun. Analysis of these data show that a number of commonly applied assumptions are not completely correct, and some previously unrecognized processes may be at work. Specifically, the fraction of the available vacuum flux spanning the gun that is stretched out of the gun is variable and not usually 100%. The n=1 mode that is present during sustained discharges has its largest value of {delta}B/B within the gun, so that instantaneously B within the gun is not axisymmetric. By applying a rigid-rotor model to account for the mode, the instantaneous field and current structure within the gun are determined. The current density is also highly non-axisymmetric and the local value of {lambda} {triple_bond} {mu}{sub 0}j{sub {parallel}}/B is not constant, although the global value {lambda}{sub g} {triple_bond} {mu}{sub 0}I{sub g}/{psi}{sub g} closely matches that expected by axisymmetric models. The current distribution near the gun muzzle suggests cross-field current exists, and this is explained as a line-tying reaction to plasma rotation

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