Aspects of aetiology, pathoanatomy and diagnostic methods in chronic mid-portion achillodynia


The objectives of this thesis are to study aetiology and pathoanatomy, and toevaluate diagnostic methods in patients with long-standing pain and tenderness localisedto the mid portion of the Achilles tendon. Treatment had failed to relieve symptomsprior to referral to our clinic, where some of these patients underwent surgicaltreatment. Fifty eight patients, derived from 60 consecutive operations, were analysed regardinghistory, clinical assessment, ultrasound, histopathology and outcome of surgery.One third of the patients were not used to any form of vigorous physical activity.Ultrasonographic pathology was observed in 54 out of 59 examinations. Macroscopicallydiseased tendon tissue showed marked histopathological changes. At the follow-upto surgery, after in median 25 months (range 12-50), there was an overall satisfactoryresult in 75% of the patients. Topical applications of ketoprofen, a hydrophilic non-steroidal anti-inflammatorydrug, in patients in surgery for chronic tendon disorders revealed high concentrationsof ketoprofen in fat, paratenon and tendon, while plasma levels were found to below. The results indicated a direct penetration and that tissues act as a reservoirfor ketoprofen. No attempt was made to study clinical effects. Tendon biopsies from 40 surgically treated patients revealed abnormal fibre structureand arrangement, focal variations in cellularity, rounded nuclei, decreased collagenstainability and increased non-collagenous matrix. Increased vascularity was seenin 26 out of the 40 subjects. Inflammatory cell infiltration was not found. A semi-quantitativegrading, using a total tendon score, had a median of 21 (6-24) compared to 0 (0-13)in control biopsies (p<0.001). The volume-density estimation of glycosaminoglycan-richareas had a median of 0.47 (0-0.86) in patients and 0 (0-0.07) in controls (p<0.001). A percutaneous core biopsy technique, guided by ultrasound and performed underlocal anaesthesia, turned out to be a reliable and valid tool, which can be usedin clinical and experimental in vivo studies of Achilles tendon disorders. Gadolinium contrast enhancement improved the imaging of intra-tendinous signalabnormality on Tl-weighted magnetic resonance images. The increased amount of extracellular glycosaminoglycans, highly fixed negativly charged macromolecules with waterretaining capacity, may contribute to explain this finding. Intra-tendinous alterations were imaged with contrast medium enhanced magneticresonance and with ultrasound in 20 patients with achillodynia. Core biopsies wereobtained from ultrasound hypoechoic and normoechoic regions. The increased signalabnormality in gadolinium contrast enhanced Tl-weighted images revealed a largervolume of the lesion compared with ultrasound. Hypoechoic areas showed a markedlyabnormal tendon structure. However, moderate pathology was found also in the neighbouringnormoechogenous areas within the same tendon, indicating a more generalised disorderthan imaged by echogenic properties. In conclusion, the data and the new tools presented in this thesis encourage furtherstudies including treatment on the Achilles and other tendon disorders. Key words: Achilles tendon, achillodynia, pathology, MR-imaging, ultrasonography,gadolinium, contrast enhancement, glycosaminoglycan, aetiology, core biopsy. ISBN 91-628-2817-

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