A socio-ecological perspective of adolescents’ risk and resilience online


In this presentation I will synthesise some of my research relating to adolescent’s online risk experiences whilst taking into account different levels of the socio-ecological environment. That is, adolescents’ vulnerability to online harm will be considered against individual, social and cultural level risk and resilience factors. Some commonly held myths about the “danger” of the internet will be reassessed. The presentation will pre-dominantly focus on findings from analyses of the EU Kids Online survey data, a representative cross-national sample of ca. 25.000 10-16-year olds across 25 European countries. Addressed variables will include adolescents’ socio-demographic, behavioural and psychological factors as well as coping responses. Moreover, socio-structural indicators of inequality on a cross-national level will be considered. Using the example of cyberbullying, vulnerability and resilience factors will be discussed in more depth

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