Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): J.2.The digital preservation of the Konkoly Observatory Schmidt
telescope plates, as well as the web access to the plate previews, aim for
the preservation of this scientific heritage and the re-use of the astronomical
photographic plates in time domain astronomy. The photographic plates
used as detectors and information storage at astronomical observations with
the Konkoly Schmidt telescope had been obtained in the period 1962–1996.
The work on the digital plate preservation and web access started in 2001
with creation of an electronic plate catalogue and the digitization of selected
representative plates as well as with interlinking of the publishing in Konkoly
Observatory Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (IBVS) with the Wide-Field Plate Database (WFPDB) developing in Sofia. We describe the process
of the digitization of the Konkoly Schmidt telescope plates.This work is supported by the bilateral project between the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and partially by the grants BG NSF DO-02-273 and
BG NSF DO-02-275