
The sea of Galicia sustains a large part of the fishing economy


[Resumo] Galicia está bañada polo mar ao longo de 1200 km. Non é de extrañar entón que a pesca sexa a base da súa economía, chegando a constituir ata o 52% do emprego total pesqueiro en España e ata o 10% no conxunto da UE. O Turismo mariñeiro en Galicia pretende poñer en valor a grande riqueza patrimonial relacionada co mar e coa pesca tradicional. Ambientarte levou a cabo proxectos de formación de guías intérpretes con profesionais do mar para facer visitas guiadas con turistas, así como proxectos ligados a difusión do importante Patrimonio cultural mariñeiro.[Abstract] Galicia is bathed by the sea along 1200 km. It´s not surprising therefore that fishing is the basis of its economy, creating up to 52 % of the employment in the fishing industry in Spain and up to 10 % in the whole of the European Union. Marine tourism in Galicia aims to add value to (put in value) the rich heritage associated with the sea and with the traditional fishing. Ambientarte carried out training projects for guides- interpreters with sea-workers to make guided tours with tourists, and projects linked to the dissemination of the importance of cultural marine heritage as well

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