Q-factors is a useful guide for selection silviculture on Nepal's community forests


There is growing interest by forest users, government forestry officers and policy makers on maximising forest goods and livelihood provisions from community forestry in a sustainable manner. However the way several mature community forests are currently managed based on selection, e.g. negative thinning and crown thinning is questionable as it results to decline in forest stock, timber quality and regeneration. To assist forest users in managing their community forests, an action research has been implemented in Kavre and Lamjung to manage planted Pine (Pinus spp.) and naturallyregenerated Sal (Shorea robusta) through selection system. This paper describes what is q-factor and its relevance for sustainable community forest management in Nepal. The simple guideline for selection system introduced to 30 community forest users groups in six sites are presented for wider adoption and policy recommendation.Edwin Cedamon, Govinda Paudel, Madan Basyal, Ian Nuberg and Krishna K Shresth

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