
Autoconcepto, ansiedad social y sintomatología depresiva en adolescentes españoles según su orientación sexual


Non-heterosexual adolescents are at risk for developing emotional problems because of social stigma and adaptation difficulties. In Spain there are hardly any data on the state of this population during adolescence. The objective of this study was to ex- amine differences in self-concept, depressive symptoms and social anxiety in adolescents based on their sexual orientation. Participants were 832 adolescents aged between 14 and 18, who reported their sexual orientation and completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) and the Marsh Self-Description Questionnaire- abbreviated version (SDQII-S). Comparisons were made between two groups: heterosexuals (n = 60) and non-heterosexuals (n = 56). Non- heterosexual adolescents had higher depressive symptoms, better self-concept in physical ability and lower in honesty. There were no differences in social anxiety between groups. This study shows that ado- lescents’ sexual orientation is related to their self- concept and mood but not anxiety in social relationships. These data are useful to prevent and address early potential emotional problems in adolescents related to their sexual orientation

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