
Transtornos mentais comuns, inatividade física e comportamentos de lazer entre trabalhadores do setor saúde de municípios da Bahia


Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Desportos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física, Florianópolis, 2016.Objetivo - analisar os transtornos mentais comuns (TMC), a inatividade física no lazer (IFL), o agrupamento dos comportamentos de lazer (CL) e os fatores associados à IFL, assim como investigar a associação entre o número de comportamentos de lazer e os TMC em trabalhadores do setor saúde de municípios da Bahia. Método - estudo transversal realizado com amostra representativa de trabalhadores do setor saúde, de quatro municípios do Estado da Bahia. Os TMC foram identificados por meio do Self-Reporting Questionnaire-SRQ-20. A IFL e os CL foram avaliados por meio de questão dicotômica. Informações sociodemográficas e ocupacionais foram investigadas. Os dados foram descritos por meio de frequências simples e cálculo de proporções e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95%. A associação entre IF e as variáveis independentes foi verificada por meio da análise de regressão logística multinomial (bruta e ajustada). O agrupamento dos tipos de atividades de lazer foi avaliada comparando a prevalência observada com a esperada, para todas as possibilidades de agrupamento entre os comportamentos: atividades sociais, culturais, físicas e auto-focadas. A análise de regressão logística avaliou a associação entre o número de comportamentos de lazer e TMC. Resultados - a prevalência de TMC foi mais acentuada entre as mulheres (22,7%). O sintoma mais relatado entre homens (38%) e mulheres (50%) foi sentir-se nervoso, tenso ou preocupado. A prevalência de IFL foi de 47,9%. A análise ajustada (características sociodemográficas e ocupacionais) mostrou que as mulheres e os indivíduos com maiores níveis de escolaridade eram mais IFL (p=0,05). Mais da metade dos trabalhadores (56,0%) relatou não participar de atividades de lazer e 1,3% informaram participar das quatro atividades de lazer. Os comportamentos de lazer tenderam ao agrupamento, principalmente as atividades sociais (visita a amigos, festa, barzinho, jogos: baralho/dominó) e atividade física entre os homens e atividades culturais (ir ao cinema, teatro, exposição e leitura de livros) e sociais entre as mulheres (pAbstract : Objective - to analyze common mental disorders (CMD), physical inactivity during leisure time (LTPI), the aggregation of leisure behavior (LB) and associated factors with LTPI, as well as to investigate the association between the number of leisure behaviors and CMD workers in the healthcare workers in Bahia's municipalities. Method - cross-sectional study with a representative sample of workers in the health sector, four municipalities in Bahia. The CMD were identified through the Self-Reporting Questionnaire-SRQ-20. LTPI and the LB were evaluated through a dichotomous question. Sociodemographic and occupational information were investigated. The data were described with a simple frequency and calculating ratios and their 95% confidence intervals. The association between LTPI and independent variables was assessed through multinomial logistic regression analysis (crude and adjusted). The aggregation of the types of leisure activities was assessed by comparing the observed and expected prevalence for all grouping opportunities between behaviors: social, cultural, physical and self-focused. The logistic regression analysis evaluated the association between the number of leisure behavior and CMD. Results - the prevalence of CMD was more pronounced among women (22.7%). The most reported symptom among men (38%) and women (50%) was feeling nervous, tense or worried. The prevalence of LTPI was 47.9%. The adjusted analysis (socio-demographic and occupational characteristics) showed that women and individuals with higher levels of education were more LTPI (p = 0.05). More than half of the workers (56.0%) reported not having participated in leisure activities and 1.3% reported having participated participating in four leisure activities. Leisure behaviors tended to aggregation, especially in social activities (visiting friends, party, bar, games: cards / dominoes) and in physical activity among men and in cultural activities (going to the cinema, theater, exhibition and reading books) and in social among women (<0.05). Multivariate analysis showed a negative association between the number of leisure behaviors and the CMD among women. In the study population, the prevalence of CMD among workers was high and differed between the sexes. Conclusion - the prevalence of LTPI was also high, especially among women and individuals with higher education. We found that less than 5% of the population reported simultaneously having adopted the four queried leisure behaviors. We found that the association between the number of leisure behaviors and CMD is different between the sexes, suggesting that participation in leisure activities can reduce the occurrence of CMD exclusively among women. These results show the importance of developing actions to encourage adherence to physical and leisure activities among workers, given the benefits of these behaviors to health

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