
A northerm may ophiuchid fireball imaged in 2012 in the framework of the Spanish meteor network


The Northern May Ophiuchids is a poorly known annual meteor shower whose activity period extends from April, 25 to May, 31, peaking around May 13 [1]. It is included in the IAU list of working meteor showers with code 149 NOP. Thus, the development of a continuous observing campaign can provide helpful data to increase or knowledge about this shower. In particular, multi-station events would be useful to calculate precise orbital data and different physico-chemical properties of meteoroids belonging to the NOP stream. Besides, the chemical nature of these particles of interplanetary matter can be inferred from the analysis of the emission spectrum produced when they ablate in the atmosphere. Here we present the analysis of a NOP fireball recorded in the framework of the fireball monitoring and spectroscopic campaign organized by the SPanish Meteor Network (SPMN)

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