Multi-component vapor-liquid equilibrium model for LES and application to ECN Spray A


We present and evaluate a detailed multi-species two-phase thermodynamic equilibrium model for large-eddy simulations (LES) of liquid-fuel injection and mixing at high pressure. The model can represent the coexistence of supercritical states and multicomponent subcritical two-phase states. LES results for the transcritical Spray A of the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) are found to agree very well to available experimental data. We also address well-known numerical challenges of trans- and supercritical fluid mixing and compare a fully conservative formulation to a quasi conservative formulation of the governing equations. Our results prove physical and numerical consistency of both methods on fine grids and demonstrate the effects of energy conservation errors associated with the quasi conservative formulation on typical LES grids.Aerodynamic

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    Last time updated on 23/10/2017