The research was aimed to study hematological performances of jaundice and healthy catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burch.). Fifty fish (i.e. twenty five of jaundice and twenty five of healthy catfish) were collected and analyzed for their hematological parameters. The blood samples were taken from caudal vein of the fish by using 2.5 ml-spuit, and then were collected into bottle samples with no or containing anticoagulant of 1% EDTA. Blood samples in the bottles with anticoagulant were used for blood cell counting and blood glucose analysis. Total billirubin, direct and indirect billirubin, and transaminase-enzymes were measured from serum of the blood samples without anticoagulant. Results showed that the blood cells (i.e. leucocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and haematocrit) of the jaundice catfish were lower than the healthy catfish. On the other hand, the blood glucose concentration) of the jaundice fish was higher. The direct and indirect billirubin concentration of the jaundice catfish was also higher, which indicated that the jaundice catfish was hiperbillirubin. However, both jaundice and heathty catfish performed high concentration of the transaminase enzymes in their blood serum. It was suggested that the hiperbillirubin-jaundice fish was mal function of their hepar and showing a stress symptoms.
Keywords: Billirubin, Blood glucose, Clarias gariepinus, Hematology, Jaundice catfish, Transaminase enzym