The various forms of soil boron: importance, effect of soil characteristics and plant availability


The study has been carried out on eleven soils using both soil analysis and a greenhouse pot experiment. Soil boron has been determined according to the hot water method and fractioned in five distinct fractions. The greenhouse experiment was carried out according to the Neubauer technic using barley as the plant test. Hot water boron represents 0.81% of total boron. The > and > fractions are negligible and represent together 1.18% of total boron. The residual fraction constitutes the most important fraction and represents 78.75%. Intermediate fractions represent together 20.08%, of which 8.04% is bound to oxydes and 12.04% is bound to organic matter. The soil characteristics that most influenced the different forms of soil boron are cation exchange capacity, texture, organic matter and pH. Highly significant correlations have been observed between these soil characteristics and some forms of soil boron. Boron uptake by barley was higher than the quantities of boron corresponding to the > and > fractions. This means that other forms, including organic matter bound-form and probably also oxydes bound-form, participated in boron nutrition of the plants

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