
Towards a Serious Game Experience Model: Validation, Extension and Adaptation of the GEQ for Use in an Educational Context


In this paper, we present the results of game experience measurements of three design stages of the serious game Poverty Is Not a Game (PING) using the FUGA Game Experience Questionnaire (GEQ) extended with a Perceived Learning (PL) module. It is hypothesized that subsequent design stages will evoke a more positive game experience and higher PL. In a first step the factor structure and convergent and discriminant validity of the existing GEQ modules are tested yielding disappointing results. Next an adapted version is proposed yielding more acceptable results. Based on this model the different design stages are compared failing to yield significant differences either for most GEQ dimensions (except for challenge and competence which is probably related to usability issues) or for PL. Significant differences were found between classrooms however pointing to the importance of taking into account context in future research

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