Survey data on bureaucratic processes and entrepreneurial venture performance in SMEs in Nigeria


This article presents data that examined the impact of bureaucratic processes on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Nigeria. A survey was carried out by administering the questionnaire to 400 business owners selected from three reputable associations, namely:NASME,NASSI and ASBON(NigerianAsso- ciation of Small and Medium Enterprises,National Association of Small Scale Industrialists and Association of Small BusinessOwn- ers ofNigeria)inthreegeo-politicalzones.Datawereanalysed using PredictiveAnalyticsSoftware.CorrelationandRegression wereemployedasinferentialstatisticaltoolofanalysis.Dataset revealedtheexistenceofrelationshipandtheextenttowhich bureaucraticprocessesimpacttheperformanceofentrepreneurial ventures

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