
RF Measurements of the 1.6 cell Lead Niobium Photoinjector in HoBiCat


The development of a simple and robust SRF photoinjector capable of delivering 1 mA average current in c.w. operation continues to advance with the horizontal RF testing of the 1.6 cell Pb Nb hybrid photoinjector. This injector utilizes a sputtered lead coating on a removable Nb cathode plug as the photoelectron source and has recently been tested in the horizontal test cryostat facility, HoBiCaT, at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin. In this paper we will report on the status of these RF measurements and compare the performance to previous vertical RF tests performed at Jefferson Laboratory. We will also provide a summary of the cavity tuning range and microphonics measurements now that it has been installed into a helium vessel equipped with a Saclay style tuner

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