
New High-Speed and Low-Power radix-2r multiplication algorithms.


International audienceIn this paper, a new recursive multibit recoding multiplication algorithm is introduced. It provides a general space-time partitioning of the multiplication problem that not only enables a drastic reduction of the number of partial products (N/r), but also eliminates the need of pre-computing odd multiples of the multiplicand in higher radix (r≥3) multiplication. Based on a mathematical proof that any higher radix-2r can be recursively derived from a combination of two or a number of lower radices, a series of generalized radix-2r multipliers are generated by means of primary radices: 21, 22, 25, and 28. A variety of higher-radix (23-232) two's complement 64x64 bit serial/parallel multipliers are implemented on Virtex-6 FPGA and characterized in terms of multiply-time, energy consumption per multiply-operation, and area occupation for r value varying from 2 to 64. Compared to a recent published algorithm, savings of 21%, 53%, 105% are respectively obtained in terms of speed, power, and area

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