Dietary conjugated linoleic acid supplementation of laying hen: effects on egg fatty acids composition and quality.


In order to assess the effect of dietary supplementation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on fatty acid composition and egg quality, a study was carried out on three groups of laying hens, each of 9 subjects, fed diets supplemented with 0, 1.25 and 2.5% CLA. Increasing CLA concentration in diet, yolk CLA concentration increased from 0.15 (Control) to 6.04 and 11.73 mg/kg (CLA 1.25 and CLA 2.50, respectively). The most representative isomer was cis-9, trans-11. The saturated fatty and monounsaturated fatty acid in yolk increased and decreased, respectively, with CLA supplementation. Egg yield and quality traits did not show any significant difference among groups

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