Applicazione dell'indice dello stato ecologico delle comunit\ue0 ittiche (ISECI) in alcuni corpi idrici del Friuli Venezia Giulia


The Authority of Friuli Venezia Giulia has planned the Regional Water Protection Plan (PRTA), in respect of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE, received in Italy by the D.L. 152/2006. After the identification of 564 water bodies, which are included in four hydroecoregions, has being planned a monitoring program using some bioindicators and supported by chemical and physical analysis. In this study, results of monitoring the fish communities and of the application of the Ecological State of the Fish Communities index (ISECI) for the 29 regional streams of Friuli Venezia Giulia are reported. In addition, the comparisons between results of the ISECI and other indices, which are included in the D.M. 260/2010, are discussed. Finally is discussed a comparison with results of the Ecological State of Macrodescriptor pollution (LIMeco) for chemical-physical analysis

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