
Innovación organizacional y domesticación de Internet y las TIC en el mundo rural, con nuevas utilidades colectivas y sociales. La figura del Telecentro y el Teletrabajo


The appearance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in business and in general in all areas of social life is making a deep mark on technological change and progress. The use of the modern technologies of the Information and Communication Society is opening a new gate to progress and to sustainable development in rural areas. The ICTs are proving to be essential instruments for achieving the overall objective of demographic and environmental sustainability with the enhancement of cultural, artistic, architectural and historic heritage, as well as socio-economic sustainability and a new territorial balance in the rural world and in the social economy. E-business, e-commerce and tele-centres are becoming increasingly important. In recent years, tele-centres have become more widespread in rural environments. These are centres with IT equipment and systems for connecting to Internet, preferably broadband, managed by one or several expert professionals, which aim to use and apply the technologies of the Information and Communication Society for many different purposes. In general, tele-centres and ICTs can be used to promote sustainable development in demographic, environmental, cultural and socio-economic aspects in such areas, preventing or mitigating the digital divide.e-business, information and communication technologies (CIT), tele-centre, sustainable development.

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