
An Economic Perspective on Russia's Accession to the WTO


Russia's application for accession to the WTO is currently in its final phases and may be completed by the end of 2003. In this context, this paper provides some background information on Russia's recent policy and structural reforms, the composition and geographic distribution of trade, tariff rates by commodity groups, and other aspects of trade and domestic policies at issue in the accession process. The accession proce-dure and the current status of the accession process are then discussed. Using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling analysis of China's WTO accession as a prototype, the potential use of CGE model-ing of Russian accession is considered as well as Russia's participation in the Doha Development Round and preferential trading arrangements. It is concluded that Russia may realize significant benefits from WTO accession and from the multilateral trade liberalization to be effected in the Doha Round.

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