A study of logistic growth models influenced by the exterior matrix hostility and grazing in an interior patch


We will analyze the symmetric positive solutions to the two-point steady state reaction-diffusion equation: \begin{equation*} \begin{split} -&u^{\prime \prime}= \begin{cases} \lambda\left[ u-\dfrac{1}{K}u^2-\dfrac{cu^2}{1+u^2}\right];& x\in [L,1-L] ,\\ \lambda \left[u-\dfrac{1}{K}u^2\right];& x\in (0,L)\cup(1-L,1), \end{cases} \\ -&u^{\prime}(0) + \sqrt{\lambda}\gamma u(0) = 0,\\ &u^{\prime}(1) + \sqrt{\lambda}\gamma u(1) = 0,\\ \end{split} \end{equation*} where λ\lambda, cc, KK, and γ\gamma are positive parameters and the parameter L(0,12)L\in(0,\frac{1}{2}). The steady state reaction-diffusion equation above occurs in ecological systems and population dynamics. The above model exhibits logistic growth in the one-dimensional habitat Ω0=(0,1)\Omega_0=(0,1), where grazing (type of predation) is occurring on the subregion [L,1L][L,1-L]. In this model, uu is the population density and cc is the maximum grazing rate. λ\lambda is a parameter which influences the equation as well as the boundary conditions, and γ\gamma represents the hostility factor of the surrounding matrix. Previous studies have shown the occurrence of S-shaped bifurcation curves for positive solutions for certain parameter ranges when the boundary condition is Dirichlet (γ\gamma \longrightarrow \infty). Here we discuss the occurrence of S-shaped bifurcation curves for certain parameter ranges, when γ\gamma is finite, and their evolutions as γ\gamma and LL vary

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