
The Nature and Function of Geographical Indications in Law


There are two basic types of legal regime for the protection of geographical indications (GIs). Some systems, notably that of the European Union, define and treat GIs as a distinct type of intellectual property. This approach is also reflected in the provisions concerning GIs in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement). Other legal systems, notably those of Australia, Canada and the United States, treat GIs as a subcategory of trademarks. Like trademarks, GIs function principally as a means of providing information to consumers. EU legislation and jurisprudence, however, define GIs more expansively than do trademark-based legal systems, and see GIs as in some ways superior to trademarks. The EU is attempting to incorporate other features of its system of GI protection into the WTO/TRIPS system. But the nature of GIs is somewhat at odds with that of other types of intellectual property.geographical indications, intellectual property, Origin Regulation, trademarks, TRIPS, WTO, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, International Relations/Trade,

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