Aim. Psychosocial and social theories of mood disorders indicate that factors connected
with women’s gender roles could create a higher risk of depression. The fact that social role
is an important factor associated with depressive disorders suggests that not only a biological
but also a psychological gender influences the vulnerability to depression.
Method. Gender schema theory was applied to investigate a role of femininity in depressive
disorders. It was predicted that patients who identify themselves with the traditional feminine
gender role will be more depressed than androgynous and undifferentiated patients or individuals
with high level of masculinity. Sixty one patients suffering from affective disorder
participated in this research. The Polish adaptation of Bem Sex – Role Inventory and Beck
Depression Inventory were used to investigate the association between psychological gender
and symptoms of depression.
Results. The results indicated that there is a significant connection between the type of
psychological gender and the level of depression. The highest level of depression was shown
by undifferentiated patients, femininity was also found to be associated with a great number of
depressive symptoms. These findings also suggest that androgynous individuals and patients
with a high level of masculinity tend to be less depressed.
Conclusions. Psychological gender is an important factor which interacts to create a higher
depression risk in men and women