
SC-triggered plasma waves observed by the Akebono satellite in the polar regions and the plasmasphere


Plasma wave phenomena associated with sudden commencements (SCs) were analyzed based on observations conducted with the Akebono satellite, which has been collecting data for more than 13 years (since March 1989). Simultaneous plasma wave observation data for 257 SCs reveal that enhanced plasma waves are observed with an exact one-to-one correspondence with the SCs throughout the entire observation region, including the polar and plasmasphere regions. Electromagnetic whistler mode and ion cyclotron waves are enhanced in the low latitude plasmasphere, while electrostatic whistler mode and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves are generated in the polar region. The onset times of the SC-triggered plasma waves exhibit a delay or lead time characteristic, compared with the onset times of SCs identified by the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory, with a time resolution of 1 s. By comparing the difference in SCs and enhanced electron plasma waves onset times, the propagation route of the SC disturbances can be identified in the plasmasphere

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