Drug use review of respiratory active drugs in the province of Huelva


El presente trabajo compara el consumo de medicamentos activos sobre el aparato respiratorio en Dosis Diaria Deftnida por cada 1.000 habitantes y día (DHD) entre diversas zonas de la provincia de Huelva, en función de la proximidad o lejanía a fuentes contaminantes. Los agentes {32 selectivos son utilizados en forma prioritaria como broncodilatadores , siendo la terbutalina la más prescrita. Los corticoides son fármacos de segunda elección, destacando budesonida. El mayor consumo de broncodilatadores tiene lugar en Abril para las zonas alta, baja y resto de zonas y Febrero para la media, no correspondiéndose estos valores con incrementos del 502. Respecto a mucolíticos y expectorantes, es ambroxol el más usado sin que existan diferencias signiftcativas entre las diversas zonas. El período de Enero a Abril es el de mayor utilización. La agregación DHD anual de broncodilatadores con mucolíticos arroja valores de zona baja > zona alta > resto zonas > zona media. Destaca el consumo de vacunas antialérgicas en la zona media, seguida de la baja y altaIn this study the consumption of active drugs on the airways was compared as Diary Defrned Dose per 1.000 residents and per day (DHD) among severa/ oreas of Huelva depending on the proximity from polluted origins. f3z-selective adrenergic agonists are preferently used up as bronchodilators, being terbutaline the most prescribed. The glucocorticoids are second e/ection drugs and budesonide is the main one of this group. The majar consumption of bronchodi/ators occurs during the mont of April in the high zone, low zone and rest of zones and on February in the medium zone , a/though there is not much correspondence between these values ant the increment on S02 during this time. Related to the groups of mucolytics and expectorants it is ambroxol the most consumed drug and there is not signift-cant differences amongst the severa/ oreas. The period from january to April coincided with the highest rate of consumption. The sum o( the diary deftned doses (DHD) of bronchodilators and mucolytics show values in the following arder of increase: low zone > high zone > rest of zones > medium zone. On the other hand, it is noticeably the use of anti­ allergic vaccines in the medium zone, follow by the use of them in the low zone and high zon

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