
Urban combat in Late Middle Ages: the Duke of Medina Sidonia against the Marquis of Cadiz for the Control of Seville


La falta de perspectiva histórica hace que algunos consideren el combate urbano como un fenómeno moderno, y otros lo ignoren o lo incluyan dentro de la guerra de asedio. Este trabajo analiza un episodio de la lucha de bandos acaecido en Sevilla, la ciudad más poblada de la Castilla bajomedieval. A través del estudio de los factores que intervienen en su génesis, desarrollo y consecuencias, pretendemos aproximarnos a un mejor conocimiento de esta sociedad, sometida a los linajes y curtida en la guerra de frontera.The lack of historical perspective has led some scholars to consider urban warfare as a modern phenomenon, while others ignore it or regard it as a part of siege warfare. This paper examines an event that took place during the fighting between factions in Seville, the most populated city of late medieval Castile. By studying the factors that originated this urban combat in particular, as well as its development and consequences, we seek to better understand the society that was subject to the confronting families and endured the ordeals of a frontier war

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