
About Pennington ePress


Pennington ePress is the academic open press of George Fox University Libraries. Our mission is to publish academic works by authors who are affiliated with George Fox University, or who have work in research areas of significant interest to the university. In addition, Pennington ePress includes some public-domain, out-of-print books of relevance and interest to the university or Northwest Yearly Meeting. Public Access: Full texts of works are published online in a public-access format, available free to users worldwide. Analytics: The DigitalCommons is indexed by Google and Google Scholar and provides download statistics and readership maps to authors. Processing Charges: Pennington ePress does not levy any author processing charges. Print-on-demand: Some titles are made available as print-on-demand publications. Current publications available in this printed format will be available at the Pennington ePress storefront at Style: Pennington ePress does not provide editing, design, and composition (typesetting) services. ISBNs: All new works are assigned International Standard Book Numbers for both electronic and printed editions. Cataloging: Catalog records for Pennington ePress are available via OCLC. Readership: Pennington ePress can support projects for any size readership, and can serve as a platform for scholars whose works might not meet the financial requirements for publication by a traditional press. Preservation: Permanent access to materials is ensured through the GFU DigitalCommons. Copyright and Licensing: Works are published under a nonexclusive permission to publish agreement. The electronic works reside in the Digital Commons@George Fox University repository and remain at all times free to readers. Authors retain ownership of copyright, and may publish elsewhere without restrictions or limitation. In retaining copyright, authors are free to superimpose a license on their work in any manner they choose, including assigning a Creative Commons license. Questions are welcome. Please direct them to Alex Rolfe at [email protected]

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