Annotation and its application to information research in economic intelligence


International audienceAnnotation tools are becoming increasingly important in information research, information management and collaborative works. Annotation can be conceptualized to assist in the “collection, processing and distributing of useful information for the economic actors” (Economic intelligence) with the aim of facilitating the integration of two fields of information systems and decision making. This paper described the theory and concept of applying annotation in the process of information research for decision making. The specificities of this concept were compared to other concepts behind other annotation tools. Our study considered annotation in the light of three parameters of document, user and time. We observed that (a) different document requires different annotation; (b) two or more users may not make the same type of annotation on the same document (c) a specific user may not annotate the same document the same way at different time. Information research for decision making integrating an annotation database can be founded on these three parameters

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